
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Redesigning a Logo

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Redesigning a Logo

If your business has been around for several years, you may be thinking about making some changes. As many experts have said in the past, it is not necessarily the strongest who survive, but those who manage to adapt. What about your logo? Is it time to change it? If so, here are five mistakes to avoid when redesigning a logo.

Why do a redesign?

Before you start, why should you do a redesign? It seems that every year, hundreds of companies decide to change their logo. What for? To tell the truth, there are several reasons.

Some brands will opt for a redesign when there is a major change within the company or when there is something to celebrate. Others may decide to change because their emblem no longer represents them or because it is considered obsolete. In short, it is quite rare for a major company to decide to keep the same logo indefinitely. Very often, it only takes some small changes to update your brand and give it a fresh look.


5 Mistakes to Avoid When Considering a Redesign for Your Logo

Now that you know a few reasons why brands choose to undertake a redesign, let us walk you through five mistakes to avoid so that your redesign lives up to your customers' expectations.

Redesigning too quickly

The first mistake we want to address is redesigning too quickly. Some companies will be tempted to change their logo as soon as a new trend appears. Don't forget that among the criteria of a good logo is that it be timeless and memorable.

If you change your logo frequently, then your target audience will have a harder time connecting the emblem to your brand. It could also show that you don't know exactly what you want or who you want to speak to. Therefore, before embarking on a redesign, ask yourself if it is too early or what the reasons are behind this desire.


Not doing new market research

People and trends are constantly changing. It is therefore possible that the people interested in your products and services are no longer the same as when you started. If you want to increase the chances of a successful redesign, the first step to take would be to do a new study of the market.

Whether it's your first logo or your tenth, a market study will enable you to analyze who your target customers are and what their needs are, as well as who your competitors are. Chances are, they've also changed over time. Are there any new players? This valuable information will help you create a better logo.

Not thinking about the entire brand image

Some people think that they only need to change their logo to update their visual identity. Unfortunately, it doesn't exactly work like that. Although it is the most used, a logo is only one part of your brand image. So, if you're thinking about doing a redesign, you'll also have to think about all the other visual components.

In other words, you'll have to think about using the new palette of colors, fonts, and overall styling on all mediums, whether it's your social media posts, printed materials, or even packaging. The whole thing must form a visual coherence with your new logo.


Not taking into account new trends

If you want to redesign your logo, a mistake to avoid would be not taking the time to learn about new trends. You could decide to update your emblem because it seems outdated. Knowing what's currently popular will increase your chances of having something that's considered modern. For example, it should be noted that rather simple and minimalist logos are preferred.

Be careful: you have to know how to use new trends with a grain of salt. If you bet too much on everything new or trendy, chances are your logo will become outdated quickly. Try to find elements that will make your emblem both representative and timeless.


Not using a common thread with old logos

What makes the difference between a failed redesign and a successful one? We've analyzed many well-known brand logos and noticed one important thing: when there's a common thread with the old logos, the redesign is more likely to be a success.

It should not be forgotten that a redesign is somewhat of an evolution of the brand. Therefore, consider reusing certain components, even if it means modernizing them. We must be able to make the link between the two logos. Sometimes you just need to change a few things like the color scheme or icon or simplify the current logo. Feel free to take a look at the new logos for 2023 for ideas.


In conclusion, by avoiding these five mistakes, you should be able to successfully redesign your logo. Start by asking yourself why you need to do a redesign, and then consider doing market research again. Then, consider your entire branding, new trends, and your old logos.

No one is immune from making a wrong move. As we saw in our article on failed redesign stories, just because you work with the best agency or spend thousands of dollars doesn't mean the result will automatically be good and loved by your target clientele.


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