You are free to use any color you want when creating your logo; however, please note that orange is often associated with construction. It is a warm color that is not much used for logos generally, but it has the particularity of draw people’s attention easily.
It is easy. When you choose one of our templates, for example, a logo for your construction business, you only need to click on the existing font on the editor. The font editor will appear on the right. You can choose different types of fonts and find the one that answers your needs.
It is true that construction business logos often look similar. Consequently, if you want to stand out from your competitors, think about putting your story, values, and expertise forward. Indeed, it must be your logo. Otherwise, you are not obligated to add a lightning bolt icon to your logo because you are an electrician. Be creative!
Browse hundreds of different professional-looking logo designs adapted to your specific field of activities.