Your shop is unique; therefore, you can choose any color for your logo. To make a good choice, we suggest reading about the meaning of colors. For example, orange is associated with entertainment and youthfulness, while purple often represents luxury and spirituality. Also, ask yourself who you want to target.
If you want to have a strong brand image, you must think about using your logo everywhere. For example, use your logo on your website, social media, but also on brochures, ads, flyers, business cards, packaging, and promotional items.
As is the case with colors, every type of logo can be used for the creation of the logo of your retail business. These types of logos have different specificities and advantages; therefore, you should ask yourself what you want to focus on. If your business name is the most important element or you want to look serious, you can create a wordmark logo. On the contrary, if your brand is already well known or you want your logo to be simple, you could create an emblem logo for your retail store.
Browse hundreds of different professional-looking logo designs adapted to your specific field of activities.